A tribute to Scattered Order’s Michael Coffey (Tee)

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Michael and Scattered Order frontman Mitch Jones formed the group in 1979, both previously having been musical collaborators with The Barons.

Together they founded record label M Squared, home to the band’s early releases prior to their first release on Volition, the 1984 12″ vinyl EP “A Dancing Foot And A Praying Knee Don’t Belong On The Same Leg” (VOLT 1), also the Volition label’s first release.

Michael had also been a member of bands Ya Ya Choral, A Volatile T Shirt, and Pleasant Peasants.

Scattered Order bandmate Shane Fahey wrote a beautiful tribute to Michael on social media, and with his permission I share it here:

‘Bon Voyage dear Michael T

mercurial thinker ideas guy

multi talented musical artist

wicked beats/rhythm meister

ephemeral forward looking

hard to impress sonic danger lover

messing with the ‘1’ deleting the ‘and’ after the ‘4’

or is it before messer uperer

high fidelity lover & romantic

gamester pop-culture indulger

education brainiac & fighter for the homeless

cool as a cu-cumber

gently spoken insistent questioner

lovable pop lighter than light

smooth talker M squared punk

DIY show biz hustler

gave the rock band trip his best shot

we will miss your sweet engaging hellos

and running board convos

this density has lost a warrior

multi dimensions of love await you’

Vale Michael Coffey (Tee), 9 December 1958 – 15 May 2024

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